10-Minutes Primer Chinese Wushu (with DVD)
by Qingjie Zhou
2021-05-27 00:30:46
10-Minutes Primer Chinese Wushu (with DVD)
by Qingjie Zhou
2021-05-27 00:30:46
The book traces the ongin andthe evolution of wushu.introduces its various schoolsand movement routines, andelaborates on the wushuculture. Its practitioners canbuild a basic wushu foundationby learning the simplifiedFive-stance quan. Contents: -----...
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The book traces the ongin andthe evolution of wushu.introduces its various schoolsand movement routines, andelaborates on the wushuculture. Its practitioners canbuild a basic wushu foundationby learning the simplifiedFive-stance quan.
Contents: ------
What Is Chinese Wushu?
What Else besides Bruce Lee Should You Know?
Wushu: From Stone-Age Battles to Modern Fantasies Key Words--To Open the Door to Wushu The Family Tree of Wushu Chinese Wushu and Health Beginning to Become Bruce Lee.