54-40 or Fight: (Emerson Hough Classics Collection) Emerson Hough Author
by Emerson Hough 2021-04-11 10:30:22
There is scarcely a single cause in which a woman is not engaged in some way fomenting the suit.-Juvenal. Then you offer me no hope, Doctor? The gray mane of Doctor Samuel Ward waved like a fighting crest as he made answer: Not the sort of hope y... Read more
There is scarcely a single cause in which a woman is not engaged in some way fomenting the suit.-Juvenal. Then you offer me no hope, Doctor? The gray mane of Doctor Samuel Ward waved like a fighting crest as he made answer: Not the sort of hope you ask. A moment later he added: John, I am ashamed of you. The cynical smile of the man I called my chief still remained upon his lips, the same drawn look of suffering still remained upon his gaunt features; but in his blue eye I saw a glint which proved that the answer of his old friend had struck out some unused spark of vitality from the deep, cold flint of his heart. I never knew you for a coward, Calhoun, went on Doctor Ward, nor any of your family I give you now the benefit of my personal acquaintance with this generation of the Calhouns. I ask something more of you than faint-heartedness. The keen eyes turned upon him again with the old flame of flint which a generation had known-a generation, for the most part, of enemies. On my chief's face I saw appear again the fighting flush, proof of his hard-fibered nature, ever ready to rejoin with challenge when challenge came. Less
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  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.61(d)
  • 292
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • July 1, 2015
  • 9781514794920
Emerson Hough (June 28, 1857 – April 30, 1923) was an American author best known for writing western stories and historical novels. He married Charlotte Chesebro of Chicago in 1897 and made that cit...
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