A Family Gift
by Marta Martín Girón
2020-05-07 19:50:06
Many times things happen to us that we cannot explain, situations that cause us pain because we do not understand them. We even blame fate for our misfortune or unhappiness, for our illness or that of a loved one, for our shortcomings or limitations....
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Many times things happen to us that we cannot explain, situations that cause us pain because we do not understand them. We even blame fate for our misfortune or unhappiness, for our illness or that of a loved one, for our shortcomings or limitations. But what if all this is a gift that is passed on from generation to generation to heal someone other than our ancestors?What if our experiences are the fruit of past experiences, of our transgenerational memory? What if physical ailments brought a message that could be biodecoded? What if we became aware of all those experiences and healed our problems? Would we feel free? Would we regain our health? Would we redirect our path and find new goals? This book is based on a true story, on the author's own experiences of circumstances in her life that she could not understand but that she knew were not accidental. Together with her you will see how she advanced on a path she never would have imagined, surrounded and conditioned by the influences of the patterns inherited from the ancestral energy of her clan.