Falconry in the Valley of the Indus: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo; Volume 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Literary Reminiscences: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Goa, and the Blue Mountains: Or, Six Months of Sick Leave: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Lake Regions of Central Africa: Volume I from Zanzibar to Lake Tanganyika: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Wanderings In West Africa, Volume 1: From Liverpool To Fernando Po: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: With Notes Anthropological and Explanatory Volume 3: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 5: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Wanderings in West Africa From Liverpool to Fernando Po Volume 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil: With a Full Account of the Gold and Diamond Mines. Also, Canoeing Down 1500 Miles of: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 16: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 4: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 14: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume VII: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book Of The Thousand Nights And A Night; Volume 12: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The City of the Saints, and across the Rocky Mountains to California: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Prairie Traveler: A Hand-book for Overland Expeditions : With Illustrations, and Intineraries of the Principal Routes: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Book Of The Thousand Nights And A Night Part 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Book Of The Thousand Nights And A Night Part 2: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights' entertainments ; supplemental nights to The book of the thousand nights and: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Forschungsreisen in Arabien Und Ost-Afrika Nach Den Entdeckungen Von Burton, Speke, Krapf, Rebmann, Erhardt Und Anderen, Erster Ba: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
To the Gold Coast for Gold: A Personal Narrative, Volume 1: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Lady Burton's Edition of her Husband's Arabian Nights Volume 4: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 9: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Burton's Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Nile Basin. Part I. Showing Tanganyika to be Ptolemy's Western Lake Reservoir. A memoir read before the Royal Geographical Soc: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
The Kasîdah (Couplets) of Hâjî Abdû Al-Yazdi [Pseud.]: A Lay of the Higher Law Translated and Annotated by His Friend and Pupil, F: by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton
Camoens, Volume 2: His Life and His Lusiads - A Commentary (1881): by Richard Francis Burton
by Richard Francis Burton