Authors | Josiah Parsons Cooke
Josiah Parsons Cooke
Josiah Parsons Cooke (October 12, 1827 – September 3, 1894) was an American scientist who worked at Harvard University and was instrumental in the measurement of atomic weights, inspiring America's first Nobel laureate in chemistry, Theodore Richar ... Read more

Books by Josiah Parsons Cooke

Scientific Culture, and Other Essays Second Edition; With Additions: BY Josiah Parsons Cooke
BY Josiah Parsons Cooke
Credentials Of Science Or The Warrant Of Faith: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
The New Chemistry: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Principles Of Chemical Philosophy: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Elements Of Chemical Physics: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Laboratory Practice: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Princples Of Chemical Philosophy: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Notice Of William Barton Rogers: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
The Greek Question: Remarks Made At The Dinner Of The Harvard Club Of Rhode Island, Newport, Aug. 25, 1883: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Chemical and Physical Researches: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Chemical Problems and Reactions: To Accompany Stöckhardt's Elements of Chemistry: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Scientific Culture, and Other Essays: by Josiah Parsons 1827-1894 Cooke
by Josiah Parsons 1827-1894 Cooke
Scientific Culture, an Address: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Religion And Chemistry: A Re-statement Of An Old Argument: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
The Credentials Of Science, The Warrant Of Faith: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Contributions From The Chemical Laboratory Of Harvard College...: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
Religion and Chemistry: or, Proofs of God's Plan in the Atmosphere and Its Elements: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
The Relation Between The Atomic Weights Of Chemical Elements...: by Josiah Parsons Cooke
by Josiah Parsons Cooke
A Plea of Liberal Culture: by Josiah Parsons 1827-1894 Cooke
by Josiah Parsons 1827-1894 Cooke