Authors | Annie Heloise Abel
Annie Heloise Abel
Annie Heloise Abel (February 18, 1873 – March 14, 1947)[1] was a history professor.[2] After her marriage she was also known as Annie Heloise Abel-Henderson.Annie Heloise Abel was one of the first thirty women in the United States to earn a PhD in ... Read more

Books by Annie Heloise Abel

The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
The American Indian As Slaveholder And Seccessionist: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
The American Indian and the End of the Confederacy, 1863-1866: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
The American Indian in the Civil War, 1862-1865: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist; an Omitted Chapter in the Diplomatic History of the Southern Confederacy Volu: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
Indian Reservations In Kansas And The Extinguishment Of Their Title: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
Proposals for an Indian State, 1778-1878: by Annie Heloise 1873-1947 Abel
by Annie Heloise 1873-1947 Abel
The Slaveholding Indians; Volume 2: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
Brief Guide to Points of Historical Interest in Baltimore City;: by Annie Heloise 1873-1947 Abel
by Annie Heloise 1873-1947 Abel
The History of Events Resulting in Indian Consolidation West of the Mississippi: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
A Report From Natchitoches in 1807: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel
The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War: by Annie Heloise Abel
by Annie Heloise Abel