A Study In Consciousness - A Contribution To The Science Of Psychology (1904)
by Annie Besant 2021-01-30 18:02:14
CONTENTS: PART I CONSCIOUSNESS. INTRODUCTION1. Origins2. Origination of MonadsCHAPTER 1. THE PREPARATION OF THE FIELD1. The Formation of the Atom2. Spirit-Matter3. The Sub-Planes4. The Five Planes CHAPTER II. CONSCIOUSNESS1. The Meaning of the Word2.... Read more
CONTENTS: PART I CONSCIOUSNESS. INTRODUCTION1. Origins2. Origination of MonadsCHAPTER 1. THE PREPARATION OF THE FIELD1. The Formation of the Atom2. Spirit-Matter3. The Sub-Planes4. The Five Planes CHAPTER II. CONSCIOUSNESS1. The Meaning of the Word2. The MonadsCHAPTER III. THE PEOPLING OF THE FIELD1. The Coming Forth of the Monads2. The Weaving3. The Seven Streams4. The Shining OnesCHAPTER IV. THE PERMANENT ATOM1. The Attaching of the Atoms2. The Web of Life3. The Choosing of the Permanent Atoms4. The Use of the Permanent Atoms 5. Monadic Action on the Permanent Atoms CHAPTER V. GROUP-SOULS1. The Meaning of the Term2. The Division of the Group-SoulCHAPTER VI. UNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS1. Consciousness a Unit2. Unity of Physical Consciousness3. The Meaning of Physical ConsciousnessCHAPTER VII. THE MECHANISM OF CONSCIOUSNESS1. The Development of the Mechanism2. The Astra? or Desire Body3. Correspondence in Root-RacesCHAPTER VIII. FIRST HUMAN STEPS1. The Third Life-Wave2. Human Development3. Incongruous Souls and Bodies4. Dawn of Consciousness on the Astral PlaneCHAPTER IX. CONSCIOUSNESS AND SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS1. Consciousness 2. Self-Consciousness3. Real and UnrealCHAPTER X. HUMAN STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS1. The Sub-Consciousness2. The Waking-Consciousness3. The Super-physical Consciousness CHAPTER XI. THE MONAD AT WORK1. Building His Vehicles2. An Evolving Man3. The Pituitary Body and Pineal Gland 4. The Paths of ConsciousnessCHAPTER XII. THE NATURE OF MEMORY1. The Great Self and the Little Selves2. Changes in the Vehicles and in Consciousness.3. Memories 4. What is Memory?5. Remembering and Forgetting6. Attention 7. The One ConsciousnessPart II WILL, DESIRE, AND EMOTIONCHAPTER I. THE WILL TO LIVECHAPTER II. DESIRE1. The Nature of Desire2. The Awakening of Desire3. The Relation of Desire to Thought 4. Desire, Thought, Action5. The Binding Nature of Desire6. The Breaking of the BondsCHAPTER III. DESIRE (continued)1. The Vehicle of Desire2. The Conflict of Desire and Thought3. The Value of an Ideal4. The Purification of DesireCHAPTER IV. EMOTION1. The Birth of Emotion2. The Play of Emotion in the Family3. The Birth of Virtues4. Right and Wrong5. Virtue and Bliss6. The Transmutation of Emotions into Virtues and Vices7. Application of the Theory to Conduct8. The Uses of EmotionCHAPTER V. EMOTION (continued)1. The Training of Emotion2. The Distorting Force of Emotion3. Methods of Ruling the Emotions4. The Using of Emotion5. The Value of Emotion in EvolutionCHAPTER VI. THE WILL1. The Will Winning Its Freedom2. Why So Much Struggle?3. The Power of the Will4. White and Black Magic5. Entering into Peace Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. Hesperides Press are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781443722025
Annie Besant (1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933) was a prominent British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule. She marri...
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