Authors | Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith is Director of the British School at Rome, Professor of Ancient History at the University of St. Andrews, and was Visiting Professor at La Sapienza University. His research focuses on political, social, and constitutional writing. H ... Read more

Books by Christopher Smith

The Etruscans: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Adobe InDesign CS5 Digital Classroom [With DVD]: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Salamanders of the Silk Road: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Da Manhattan Con Amore: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Reshaping Work: The Cadbury Experience: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Acrobat 5 in 24 Hours: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
PAUL'S PRISON LETTERS: by Christopher Smith, Christopher
by Christopher Smith, Christopher
Imperialism, Cultural Politics, and Polybius: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
DEUTERONOMY/HEBREWS: by Christopher Smith, Christopher
by Christopher Smith, Christopher
The Cambridge Ancient History: Plates to Volumes VII, Part 2 and VIII: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
On Mental Capacity In Relation To Insanity, Crime, And Modern Society.: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Job: by Christopher Smith, Christopher
by Christopher Smith, Christopher
6 Steps To Grow Your Hvac Business: How To Stop Wasting Your Money, Grow Your Business And Reach Your Goals!: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
The Gospel Parables in Verse: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Intrinsic Stability: How Organic Leadership Breeds Excellence: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith
Courts and Trials: A Reference Handbook: by Christopher Smith
by Christopher Smith