Amos in Talmud and Midrash: A Source Book
by Jacob Neusner
2021-01-20 07:44:43
Amos in Talmud and Midrash: A Source Book
by Jacob Neusner
2021-01-20 07:44:43
In the first six centuries of the Common Era, the Rabbis of formative Judaism, from the Mishnah through the Bavli, consulted the ancient Israelite prophets for guidance on issues of theology, law, history, and literature. In this anthology, Jacob Neu...
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In the first six centuries of the Common Era, the Rabbis of formative Judaism, from the Mishnah through the Bavli, consulted the ancient Israelite prophets for guidance on issues of theology, law, history, and literature. In this anthology, Jacob Neusner collects and arranges in documentary sequence the Rabbinic comments on verses in the biblical prophet Amos.