Authors | Herodotus
Herodotus was an ancient Greek historian who was born in Halicarnassus, Caria (modern-day Bodrum, Turkey) and lived in the fifth century BCE (c. 484–425 BCE). He has been called "The Father of History", as well as "The Father of Lies." He was the f ... Read more

Books by Herodotus

An Account of Egypt: By Herodotus
By Herodotus
On the War for Greek Freedom: On the War for Greek Freedom
On the War for Greek Freedom
Histoire, Volume 3...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Snakes with Wings and Gold-digging Ants: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
The Second Persian War: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Historiarum Libri Ix, Volume 2: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Histoire, Volume 1...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Histoire, Volume 7...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Historiarum Libri Ix ..., Volume 3...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Geschichte, Volume 6...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Historiarum Libri Ix, Volume 1: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Geschichte, Volume 4: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
The Story Of The Persian War...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Geschichte, Volume 8...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Literary and Philosophical Essays, French, German and Italian: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Choix Des Historiens Grecs: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Geschichte, Volume 2: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Histoire D'hÚrodote Suivie De La Vie D'homThre, Volume 2...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Les Histoires, Volume 1...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Geschichte, Volume 9...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
The Fourth, Fifth, And Sixth Books: With Introd., Notes, And Appendices, Indices, Maps ......: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Herodot: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Histoire: Aved Des Remarques Historique Et Critiques, Un Essai Sur La Chronolgie D'h?rodote, Et Une Table G?o: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Histoire, Volume 4...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Geschichte, Volume 7...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Terpischore And Erato...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Histoire, Volume 6: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Geschichte, Volume 1...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Historin logoi 9, epigraphomenoi Mousai. Textus Johannis Schweighaeuseri, cui adjectae sunt, editionum Schweighaeuseri, Reizii & S: by Herodotus
by Herodotus
Les Histoires, Volume 2...: by Herodotus
by Herodotus