Authors | John Taylor
John Taylor
John Brian Taylor (born December 8, 1946) is the Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and the George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.[2] Born in Yonkers, New York, ... Read more

Books by John Taylor

Hymns and Miscellaneous Poems, [By J. Taylor.]: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Records Of Mining. Edited By J. Taylor. Part 1.: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Tyranny Unmasked: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The London Magazine, Volume 10: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Jumpstart! ICT: ICT activities and games for ages 7-14: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
A Century Sermon, Preached At Deerfield, February 29, 1804: In Commemoration Of The Destruction Of The Town By The French And Indi: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The Monetary Policy Of England And America.: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The Rivalry: Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, and the Golden Age of Basketball: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The Pennyles Pilgrimage Or the Money-Lesse Perambulation of John Taylor: Alias the Kings Majesties Water-Poet. How He Travailed On: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
USS New Mexico BB-40: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Autobiography Of A Lancashire Lawyer: Being The Life And Recollections Of John Taylor, Attorney-at-law, And First Coroner Of The B: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The London Magazine, Volume 7: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The London Magazine, Volume 8: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Poems On Various Subjects: Miscellaneous Effusions. Imitations. Tales. Elegiacs And Epitaphs. Addenda. The Odes Of Anacreon, W: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Poems and Translations: Including the First Four Books of Ovid's Fasti; to Which Are Added the Ancient Roman Calendar [&c.]: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
What is the Power of the Greek Article, and How May It Be Expressed in the English Version of the New Testament?: by John 1781-1864. Taylor
by John 1781-1864. Taylor
A Paraphrase With Notes on the Epistle to the Romans: To Which is Prefix'd a Key to the Apostolic Writings, or an Essay to Explain: by John 1694-1761 Taylor
by John 1694-1761 Taylor
An Inquiry Into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States..: by John 1753-1824 Taylor
by John 1753-1824 Taylor
Discussion of Universalism: Or, a Defence of Orthodoxy Against the Heresy of Universalism, As Advocated by Mr. Abner Kneeland,: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Bristol And Clifton Old And New: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The old, old, Very old Man: Or, the age and Long Life of Thomas Parr, ... who was Born in the Reign of King Edward the Fourth,: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
An Account of the Mechanism of the eye. Wherein its Power of Refracting the Rays of Light, and Causing Them to Converge at the Ret: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
A Defence of the Measures of the Administration of Thomas Jefferson (Large Print Edition): by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Capital Cities/Les capitales: International Perspectives/Perspectives internationales: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The Great Pyramid: Why Was It Built? And Who Built It?: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Grassy Stairways: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Remarks on such additions to the second edition of The ruin and recovery of mankind as relate to the arguments advanced in the Sup: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Travels From England To India, In The Year 1789, By Way Of The Tyrol, Venice, Scandaroon, Aleppo, And Over The Great Desart To Bus: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
Elements Of The Civil Law. By Iohn Taylor, ... The Third Edition.: by John Taylor
by John Taylor
The London Magazine, Volume 12: by John Taylor
by John Taylor