Authors | Annie Besant
Annie Besant
Annie Besant (1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933) was a prominent British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule. She married aged 20 to Frank Besant, but separated from him ... Read more

Books by Annie Besant

An Introduction to Yoga: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Thought Power - Its Control and Culture: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Autobiographical Sketches: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Theosophy and Life's Deeper Problems: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
The Basis of Morality: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
The Christian Creed; or, What it is Blasphemy to Deny: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Avatâras: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, and As It Should Be: A Plea for Reform: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Is the Bible Indictable?: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
The changing world, and lectures to theosophical students: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Autobiographical Sketches: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Death—and After?: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
My Path to Atheism: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Evolution of Life and Form: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
The Case for India: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Esoteric Christianity, or The Lesser Mysteries: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Occult Chemistry: Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements: By Annie Besant
By Annie Besant
Thought-forms: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Path to Discipleship: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Religious Problem in India: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Initiation the Perfecting of Man: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
London Lectures of 1907: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Laws Of The Higher Life: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Esoteric Christianity Or The Lesser Mysteries: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Future Of Indian Politics: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Universal Text Book Of Religion And Morals Part II Ethics: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Modern Socialism: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Man's Life In This And Other Worlds: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Wake Up, India: A Plea For Social Reform: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant