Authors | Annie Besant
Annie Besant
Annie Besant (1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933) was a prominent British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule. She married aged 20 to Frank Besant, but separated from him ... Read more

Books by Annie Besant

Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History Annie Besant Author: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
La nature du Christ Annie Besant Author: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Occult Chemistry Annie Besant Author: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Brotherhood of Religions Annie Besant Author: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
An Introduction to Yoga Annie Besant Author: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
DEATH — AND AFTER? Annie Besant Author: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Esoteric Christianity, The Lesser Mysteries Annie Besant Author: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, And As It Should Be: A Plea For Reform...: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Changing World And Lectures To Theosophical Students. Fifteen Lectures Delivered In London During May, June, And July, 1909: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
How India Wroguht For Freedom: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Basis Of Morality: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Seven Principles Of Man: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Path Of Discipleship: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Ancient Ideals In Modern Life; Four Lectures Delivered At The Twenty-fifth Anniversary Meeting Of Th: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Children Of The Motherland: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
Legends And Tales.: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
The Secret Doctrine Vol III: by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant
by Annie Besant