An Unsocial Socialist George Bernard Shaw Author
by George Bernard Shaw
2021-04-11 01:40:47
An Unsocial Socialist George Bernard Shaw Author
by George Bernard Shaw
2021-04-11 01:40:47
Book Excerpt : ...ung lady excitedly, leave the room this instant; and don't dare to come back until you get leave.The boy's countenance fell, and he sulkily went out without a word.Is anything wrong? said the matron, putting away her book with t...
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Book Excerpt : ...ung lady excitedly, leave the room this instant; and don't dare to come back until you get leave.The boy's countenance fell, and he sulkily went out without a word.Is anything wrong? said the matron, putting away her book with the unconcerned resignation of an experienced person who foresees a storm in a teacup. Where is Sidney?Gone! Gone! Deserted me! I-- The young lady's utterance failed, and she threw herself upon an ottoman, sobbing with passionate spite.Nonsense! I thought Sidney had more sense. There, Henrietta, don't be silly. I suppose you have quarrelled.No! No!! No!!! cried Henrietta, stamping on the carpet. We had not a word. I have not lost my temper since we were married, mamma; I solemnly swear I have not. I will kill myself; there is no other way. There's a curse on me. I am marked out to be miserable. He--Tut, tut! What has happened, Henrietta? As you have been married now nearly six weeks, you can hardly be surprised at a little t...