Analytical Studies: Physiology of Marriage and Petty Troubles of Married Life Honore de Balzac Author
by Honore de Balzac
2021-04-02 23:48:18
Analytical Studies: Physiology of Marriage and Petty Troubles of Married Life Honore de Balzac Author
by Honore de Balzac
2021-04-02 23:48:18
This section of The Human Comdedy, the multi-volume series of stories, tales, and essays that comprised most Honore de Balzac's life's work, focuses on love and marriage as they existed in early nineteenth-century Europe. An eclectic collection of es...
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This section of The Human Comdedy, the multi-volume series of stories, tales, and essays that comprised most Honore de Balzac's life's work, focuses on love and marriage as they existed in early nineteenth-century Europe. An eclectic collection of essays, satirical observations, short tales, and character sketches, this unique excerpt is an interesting introduction to Balzac's writing.