Authors | Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe (1659/1661 [?] - 1731) was an English writer, journalist, and spy, who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is notable for being one of the earliest practitioners of the novel and helped popularize the genre in Brita ... Read more

Books by Daniel Defoe

The Life And Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe: Embellished With Engravings From Designs, Volume 2...: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Aventures Surprenantes De Robinson Crusoe: Traduites De L'anglais, Volume 1: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Young Folks' Robinson Crusoe: Or, The Adventures Of An Englishman Who Lived Alone For Five Years On An Island Of The Pacific O: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Novels And Miscellaneous Works Of Daniel Defoe, Volume 2: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Den Verklige Robinson Crusoe's Lefverne Och Äfventyr. Samt Tjugu?tta?ruga Vistande P? En Obebodd Ö...: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Wonderful Life And Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe ...: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Extracts From Several Mercators; Being Considerations on the State of the British Trade: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
An Historical Narrative of the Great and Tremendous Storm Which Happened on Nov. 26th, 1703: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
A Collection of the Most Remarkable Casualties and Disasters, Which Happen'd in the Late Dreadful Tempest, Both by sea and Land, o: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Danger of the Protestant Religion Consider'd, From the Present Prospect of a Religious war in Europe: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Legion's new Paper: Being a Second Memorial to the Gentlemen of a Late House of Commons. With Legion's Humble Address t: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
An Investigation Into the Language of Robinson Crusoe as Compared With That of Other 18th Century Works: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
An Enquiry Into the Danger and Consequences of a war With the Dutch: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe - Primary Source Edition: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Innkeepers Opinion of the Triennial Act: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders, who was Born in Newgate.: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Reasons Against a War With France, or an Argument Shewing That the French King's Owning the Prince of Wales as King of England, Sc: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Caledonia: A Poem in Honour of Scotland, and the People of That Nation. ... Dedicated to the Duke of Argyll: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
A Collection of Original Papers and Material Transactions, Concerning the Late Great Affair of the Union Between England and Scotl: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
A General and True History of the Lives and Actions of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-robbers, &c. To Which is Adde: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The History and Remarkable Life of the Truly Honourable Col. Jacque, Commonly Call'd Col. Jack, who was Born a Gentleman, put 'pre: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe [Large Print Edition]: The Complete & Unabridged Classic Edition (Summit Classic Large Print Editions): by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
A Brief State of the Question Between the Printed and Painted Callicoes, and the Woollen and Silk Manufacture, as far as it Relate: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Mock Mourners. A Satyr, by way of Elegy on King William. The Fourth Edition Corrected. By the Author of The True-born Englishm: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
A Friendly Epistle by way of Reproof From one of the People Called Quakers, to Thomas Bradbury, a Dealer in Many Words. The Third: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Weakest go to the Wall, or the Dissenters Sacrific'd by all Parties: Being a True State of the Dissenters Case, as it Respects: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The Family Instructor. In two Parts. I. Relating to Family Breaches, and Their Obstructing Religious Duties. II. To the Great Mist: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The History and Lives of all the Most Notorious Pirates, and Their Crews, From Capt. Avery, who First Settled at Madagascar, to Ca: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
The History of the Devil - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe
Everybody's Business Is Nobody's Business: by Daniel Defoe
by Daniel Defoe