Authors | Aristotle
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) numbers among the greatest philosophers of all time. Judged solely in terms of his philosophical influence, only Plato is his peer: Aristotle's works shaped centuries of philosophy from Late Antiquity through the Renaissanc ... Read more

Books by Aristotle

Poetics: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle
Physics: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle
Metaphysics: Books Z and H: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle
Posterior Analytics. Topica: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle
Aristotle's on the Soul and on Memory and Recollection: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Eudemian Ethics: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Treatise on Rhetoric: by . Aristotle
by . Aristotle
Poetics (Translated by Ingram Bywater with a Preface by Gilbert Murray): by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Categories: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle
On the Soul and On Memory and Recollection: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristoteles Poetik: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Istoriai Peri Zoon, ZWEITER BAND: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
On Sophistical Refutations. On Coming-to-be and Passing Away. On the Cosmos: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle
Aristotle: 'historia Animalium': Volume 1, Books I-x: Text: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Poetics. Translated from Greek into English and from Arabic into Latin with a rev. text, introd.: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis Ars Poëtica: Ad Fidem Potissimum Codicis Antiquissimi Ac (Parisiensis 1741): by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Oeuvres D'aristote, Volume 4: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis Opera, Volumes 2-4: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Traduction Générale D'aristote: L-Z: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelous peri kosmou, pros Alexandron. = Aristotelis de mundo liber, ad Alexandrum. Cum versione Latina Gulielmi Budaei.: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Lehrvorträge Über Die Staatskunst in Acht Büchern: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The History Of Animals Of Aristotle, And His Treatise On Physiognomy, Translated From The Greek. By Thomas Taylor.: by Aristotle.
by Aristotle.
Politik: Griechisch Und Deutsch...: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotle on His Predecessors; Being the First Book of His Metaphysics. Translated From the Text Ed. of W. Christ With Introductio: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Ethica Nicomachea. Ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri iterum edita: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Politics. With an Introd., Two Prefatory Essays, and Notes Critical and Explanatory by W.L. Newman; Volume 2: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Meteorologicorum libri IV; 1: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Organon, or Logical Treatises, of Aristotle. With Introduction of Porphyry. Literally Translated, With Notes, Syllogistic Exam: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Politics, Books 1-5; a Rev. Text, With Introd., Analysis and Commentary by Franz Susemihl and R.D. Hicks: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
On Generation And Corruption: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle