Authors | Aristotle
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) numbers among the greatest philosophers of all time. Judged solely in terms of his philosophical influence, only Plato is his peer: Aristotle's works shaped centuries of philosophy from Late Antiquity through the Renaissanc ... Read more

Books by Aristotle

Aristotelis De Animalibus Historiae, Libri X.: Graece Et Latine. Textum Recensuit Iul. Caes. Scaligeri Versionem, Diligenter Recog: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristoteles' vier Bücher. Ueber die Theile der Thiere: Griechisch und Deutsch und mit sacherklärenden Anmerkungen: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
De Anima: Books II and III (with passages from Book I): by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Logique D'aristote: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Die Rhetorik des Aristoteles, Erster Band: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotle's Art Of Poetry. Translated From The Original Greek, According To Mr. Theodore Goulston's Edition. Together, With Mr. D': by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Works, Volume 5: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Classical Psychologists: Selections Illustrating Psychology From Anaxagoras To Wundt: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Basic Works of Aristotle: by . Aristotle
by . Aristotle
Ethica Eudemia: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Oeuvres D'aristote, Volume 27: by . Aristotle
by . Aristotle
Aristotle's Staatspädagogik: Als Erziehungslehre Für Den Staat Und Die Enzelnen: by . Aristotle
by . Aristotle
Aristotelis De Rhetorica Libri Tres, Ad Fidem Manusciptorum Recogniti, Cum Versione Lat. Altero Volumine Continentur Animadversion: by . Aristotle
by . Aristotle
Die Kathegorien des Aristoteles. Zweite unverSnderte Auflage. - Primary Source Edition: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Les Problèmes D'aristote, Volume 2: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Oeuvres D'aristote, Volume 32: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Hobbes's Translation Of Aristotle's Art Of Rhetorick. A New Edition. With Alterations, And A New Preface By A Gentleman.: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Le Métaphysique, Livre Ier;: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis De Rhetorica Libri Tres: Ad Fidem Manuscriptorum Recogniti : Cum Versione Latina, Volume 2: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotle On Fallacies: Or, The Sophistici Elenchi: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis Ethicorum Nicomacheorum Libri Decem, Volume 2: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
A New Translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric: With an Introduction and Appendix, Explaining Its Relation to His Exact Philosophy, and: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
De Coloribus, De Audibilibus, Physiognomonica, De Plantis, De Mirabilibus Auscultationibus, Mechanica, De Lineis Insecabilibus, Ve: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis opera; 5: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Aristotelis Metaphysica, Volume 2: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Works of Aristotle; Volume 4: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
Works. Translated Into English Under the Editorship of W.D. Ross; Volume 10: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Rhetoric Of Aristotle, Volume 1...: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
The Rhetoric Of Aristotle, Volume 3...: by Aristotle
by Aristotle
On the Heavens: by .. Aristotle
by .. Aristotle