Authors | Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and librett ... Read more

Books by Richard Wagner

The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie (Annotated) Richard Wagner Author: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Parsifal in Full Score Richard Wagner Author: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Family Letters Of Richard Wagner: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Die Wendenzeit: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften Und Dichtungen Volume V.5 - 6: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bayreuther Blätter, Volume 12: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Opera & Drama (Oper und Drama) Volume 1: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Das Rheingold (the Rhinegold): A Music-drama In Four Scenes : Prelude To The Trilogy, der Ring Des Nibelungen (the Nibelung's Ring: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Flying Dutchman, (Der Fliegende Holländer) a Dramatic Poem by Richard Wagner;: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Twilight of the Gods: Third Day of the Trilogy The Ring of the Niblung: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
On State And Religion: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Judaism in Music and Other Essays: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften Und Dichtungen, Volume 8: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Mein Leben, Volume 1: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Parsifal In English Verse: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Correspondence Of Wagner And Liszt: 1854-1861: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Familienbriefe 1832-1874: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bayreuther Blätter: Deutsche Zeitschrift Im Geiste Richard Wagners, Volume 28: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner's Parsifal...: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Lohengrin, Son of Parsifal: A Mythical Drama: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Rienzi: Opera En 5 Actes: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Wagner on Conducting: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Actors and Singers: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
An Irish Soldier's Patriotic Journey: From the Walls of Fort Sumter to the Halls of the US Pension Bureau: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften und Dichtungen von Richard Wagner, zweite Auflage, neunter Band: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Selections from the Music Dramas of Richard Wagner: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Die Walküre: (the Valkyr), First Opera Of The Rhinegold Trilogy: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Opera & Drama Volumes - Ii: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
La Tétralogie De L'anneau Du Nibelung...: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Rhine Gold: Prologue to the Trilogy the Ring of the Nibelung: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner