Art + Science Now
by Stephen Wilson
2021-01-01 16:39:18
“In the face of ridicule and cultural prejudice, the artists/scientists in this book show that good art and good science are not so very different, and that when they find their joint niche, their joining can make something powerful, interesti...
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“In the face of ridicule and cultural prejudice, the artists/scientists in this book show that good art and good science are not so very different, and that when they find their joint niche, their joining can make something powerful, interesting, and beautiful.” —The Art Book
In the twenty-first century, some of the most dynamic works of art
are being produced not in the studio but in the laboratory, where
artists probe cultural, philosophical, and social questions connected
with cutting-edge scientific and technological research. Their work
ranges across disciplines—microbiology, the physical sciences, information
technologies, human biology and living systems, kinetics, and
robotics—taking in everything from eugenics and climate change to
artificial intelligence.
Art + Science Now provides an overview of this new strand of
contemporary art, showcasing the best international work. Featuring
some 250 artists, it presents a broad range of projects, from body art
to bioengineering of plants and insects, from computer-controlled
video performances to large-scale visual and sound installations.