Authors | Gerhard Preyer
Gerhard Preyer
Gerhard Preyer is Professor of Sociology at the Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main. he is editor of the journal Protosociology, and of several books, including Contextualism in Philosophy (with Georg Peter, 2005), Logical Form and Language (2002 ... Read more

Books by Gerhard Preyer

Beyond Semantics and Pragmatics: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism: New Essays on Semantics and Pragmatics: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Contextualism in Philosophy: Knowledge, Meaning, and Truth: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Consciousness and Subjectivity: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Soziologische Theorie Der Gegenwartsgesellschaft Iii: Mitgliedschaft Und Evolution: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Soziologische Theorie Der Gegenwartsgesellschaft I: Mitgliedschaftstheoretische Untersuchungen: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Intention - Bedeutung - Kommunikation: Kognitive und handlungstheoretische Grundlagen der Sprachtheorie: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Chinas Power-tuning: Modernisierung Des Reichs Der Mitte: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Soziologische Theorie Der Gegenwartsgesellschaft Ii: Lebenswelt - System - Gesellschaft: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Neuer Mensch und kollektive Identität in der Kommunikationsgesellschaft: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Reality and Humean Supervenience: Essays on the Philosophy of David Lewis: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Social Ontology And Collective Intentionality: Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Raimo Tuomela With His Responses: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
Struktur Und Semantic Map: Zur Soziologischen Theorie Shmuel N. Eisenstadts: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer
rolle, Status, Erwartungen Und Soziale Gruppe: Mitgliedschaftstheoretische Reinterpretationen: by Gerhard Preyer
by Gerhard Preyer