Authors | William Blacker
William Blacker
William Blacker lived in Romania from 1996 to 2004. He now divides his time between England, Italy and Romania. He has contributed articles and photographs to the Daily Telegraph, Ecologist, Art Newspaper and The Times.

Books by William Blacker

Blacker's Art of Flymaking - Comprising Angling, & Dying of Colours, with Engravings of Salmon & Trout Flies: By William Blacker
By William Blacker
An Essay On the Improvement to Be Made in the Cultivation of Small Farms: by William Blacker
by William Blacker
W. Blacker's Art of Angling, and Complete System of Fly Making, and Dying of Colours: by William Blacker
by William Blacker
Along The Enchanted Way: A Story Of Love And Life In Romania: by William Blacker
by William Blacker