Authors | Rob Mundle
Rob Mundle
Rob Mundle is an internationally bestselling author, journalist and competitive yachtsman whose own family heritage is with the sea, dating back to his great-great-grandfather who was the master of square riggers. For over forty years he has been abl ... Read more

Books by Rob Mundle

Bligh: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle
Flinders: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle
Fatal Storm: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle
Captain James Cook: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle
Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle
Under Full Sail: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle
The First Fleet: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle
Great South Land: How Dutch Sailors Found Australia And An English Pirate Almost Beat Captain Cook ...: How Dutch Sailors found Au: by Rob Mundle
by Rob Mundle