Boat Repair Made Easy -- Systems
by John P. Kaufman 2021-01-06 05:10:13
AC Electrical, DC Electrical, Water Supply and Waste Removal, Air Conditioning and Heating, RefrigerationAC Electrical: Calculating shore power requirements, Calculating genset power requirements, Panel sizing, Running the wire, Installing the device... Read more
AC Electrical, DC Electrical, Water Supply and Waste Removal, Air Conditioning and Heating, RefrigerationAC Electrical: Calculating shore power requirements, Calculating genset power requirements, Panel sizing, Running the wire, Installing the devices. DC Electrical/House Power: Calculating power requirements, Panel sizing, Type and quantity of batteries, Battery charging, Running the wiring, Installing the devices.Water Supply & Waste Removal: Supply: Tankage, pumps and filters; Types of tubing and fittings; Running the tubing; Installing the fixtures at the point of use. Waste: Types of systems, Types of hoses and fittings, Placing the components, Running the hoses, Points of discharge.Appendixes: Addresses and phone numbers for Manufacturers, Distributors and Retailers; Tools and supplies needed; Thorough glossary of boating terms. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781892216021
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