Bread From Heaven: Or A Collection of African-Americans' Home Cookin' and Somepin' Eat Recipes from Down in Georgia
by Sharon Hunt 2021-02-03 05:46:15
For the "Bread from Heaven" Cookbook, Sharon Hunt has done extensive research on the recipes for African-American recipes from the plantation times until now. The recipes are collected from African-Americans' favorites. The cookbook contains brief no... Read more

For the "Bread from Heaven" Cookbook, Sharon Hunt has done extensive research on the recipes for African-American recipes from the plantation times until now. The recipes are collected from African-Americans' favorites. The cookbook contains brief notes about the history of African-Americans in Georgia. Therefore, the cookbook has been called "the unofficial African-American Cookbook from Georgia." This is a first cookbook written with this emphasis. Less

  • ISBN
  • 9780595495085
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