Authors | Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and librett ... Read more

Books by Richard Wagner

Bayreuther Blätter, Monatschrift des Bayreuther Patronatvereins. Zweiter Jahrgang.: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard to Minna Wagner. Letters to His First Wife; Volume 1: by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
by Richard 1813-1883 Wagner
The Story of Bayreuth as Told in the Bayreuth Letters of Richard Wagner: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Nibelung's Ring, English Words to Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, in the Alliterative Verse of the Original: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Master-singers of Nuremberg: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Das Liebesmahl der Apostel: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Parsifal in Full Score: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Travels in Arabia: An Account of Those Territories in Hedjaz Which the Mohammedans Regard as Sacred: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
kichard Bagner: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Briefe Richard Wagners an Emil Heckel: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Music of the Future, a Letter to Frederic Villot, by Richard Wagner, Translated by Edward Dannreuther. (Facsimile of 1873 edi: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften und Dichtungen, Erster Band: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Wagner's Opera Lohengrin, Containing the German Text, With an English Translation, and the Music of all the Principal Airs: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften Und Dichtungen, Volume 12: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner an Mathilde Wesendonk: Tagebuchblätter Und Briefe, 1853-1871: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Herzog Christian (louis) I., 1658-1692: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften Und Dichtungen, Volumes 3-4: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften Und Dichtungen, Volume 2: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
The Book of Revelation For Dummies: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Gesammelte Schriften Und Dichtungen, Volume 5: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Der Fliegende Holländer: Vollständige Mit Der Partitur Übereinstimmende Ausgabe: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Götterdämmerung: The Dusk of the Gods: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner: Mein Leben (Vollständige Autobiografie): by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner an Theodor Apel: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner's letters to his Dresden friends, Theodor Uhlig, Wilhelm Fischer, and Ferdinand Hein: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Tannhäuser: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Siegfried In Full Score: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
Bayreuther Blätter, Volume 14: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
My Life - Volume 2 (Large Print Edition): by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner
My Life - Volume 2: by Richard Wagner
by Richard Wagner