Authors | Luise Mühlbach
Luise Mühlbach
Luise Mühlbach was the pen name of Clara Mundt (1814 in Neubrandenburg – 1873), a German writer best known for her works of historical fiction which enjoyed a wide popularity that was short-lived. Frederick the Great and His Court (German: Friedri ... Read more

Books by Luise Mühlbach

Mühlbach's Works: The Daughter Of An Empress...: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Kaiser Joseph der Zweite und sein Hof.: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Erzherzog Johann und seine Zeit. Zweite Abtheilung Erzherzog Johann und Metternich.: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Kaiser Joseph Der Zweite Und Sein Hof, Volume 1, part 1: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
The Historical Romances of Louisa Mühlbach: Joseph the Second and His Court: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Marie Antionette And Her Son: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Prince Eugène And His Times: An Historical Novel, Volume 17: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach
Mühlbach's Works: Louisa Of Prussia: by Luise Mühlbach
by Luise Mühlbach