Business Organization
2020-07-22 19:41:50
The scope of business organization has considerably expanded after the Industrial Revolution. The process of production is now quite complicated. An organization is needed to determine what each person will do and how much authority each will have. T... Read more
The scope of business organization has considerably expanded after the Industrial Revolution. The process of production is now quite complicated. An organization is needed to determine what each person will do and how much authority each will have. The role of business organization in various forms of business ownership is discussed in brief. Business organization is people, process and Technology form assets which may be shared and reused for optimising operations. While spending a huge amount of money on IT, organizations use to forget that there was one more asset without which their business cannot sustain and that is nothing but the Data. Business process modeling (BPM) in systems engineering and software engineering is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current process may be analysed and improved. BPM is typically performed by business analysts and managers who are seeking to improve process efficiency and quality. The book considers all aspects including recording of all business activities. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9789353141158
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