Byways Of Blessedness
by James Allen
2021-01-08 07:04:15
New Thought pioneer and philosopher James Allen teaches us how to improve our life and spiritual wellbeing through the power of positive thinking. He believed that life is a pilgrimage, or a path from ignorance to realization. According to him, all m...
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New Thought pioneer and philosopher James Allen teaches us how to improve our life and spiritual wellbeing through the power of positive thinking. He believed that life is a pilgrimage, or a path from ignorance to realization. According to him, all men must and will follow this path, at the end of which is a state of spiritual satisfaction, which can be attained only by the earnest efforts of the seeker. He wants us to see what is in front of us and not rush by. Every day new beginnings are presented to us and while many appear small and insignificant, in reality they are the important things in life. "Along the great highway of life there are resting places; away from the heat of passion and the dust of disappointment, under the cool and refreshing shade of lowly Wisdom, are the humble, unimposing ''rest-houses'' of peace, and the little, almost unnoticed, byways of blessedness, where alone the weary and footsore can find. - James Allen