Camoens, Volume 1: His Life and His Lusiads - A Commentary (1881)
by Richard Francis Burton
2021-01-16 16:48:03
Camoens, Volume 1: His Life and His Lusiads - A Commentary (1881)
by Richard Francis Burton
2021-01-16 16:48:03
Originally published in 1880. CAMOENS: HIS LIFE AND HIS LUSIADS- A COMMENTARY by RICHARD F BURTON. IN TWO VOLUMES - VOLUME I. An account of Camoens life, includes several chapters PREFACE: CONTRARY to custom I have begun with my translation of the Po...
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Originally published in 1880. CAMOENS: HIS LIFE AND HIS LUSIADS- A COMMENTARY by RICHARD F BURTON. IN TWO VOLUMES - VOLUME I. An account of Camoens life, includes several chapters PREFACE: CONTRARY to custom I have begun with my translation of the Poem, and have ended with uhat usually comes fiist, the Commentary Camoens his Life and his Lusiads, an Introduction now converted to a postscript, is necessary for the full comprehension of an Epic upwards of three centuries old; and the following synopsis of the Portuguese Odyssey shows its fttn. Contents include: I The Voyage, in t stan/ as 106, lines 848 i, H . 113, 904 III Historical 143, 1144 IV, 104, 832 V The Voyage and geographical 100, 800 37 VI 99, 792 VII Geographico-historical 87, 696 VIII Historical 99, 792 IX Romantic 95, 760 X ( ieograpluco-ethnographico hi'stoncal 156, 1248 Totals 1,102 8,8 1 6 The text of the Poem is immediately followed by the 79 E\ tanctas d DEGREES ptezadns, or Rejected stanzas, omitted by Camoen, which woic printed from manuscripts after vi Preface his death Of these 632 lines man) - were fc despised for special icasons, and not a feu deseiie tianslatzon they have been presented to the public foi the fhst time My Commentary falls naturally into fi\ e Chapteis, viz Chap I Biogiaphical, \ iiththzeeSettions T Kssay on the Life of Camoens, 2 Camoens the Man, and DEGREES 3 Camoens the Poet Chap II Bibliographical, \\ ith fi\ e Sections DEGREES T On translating The Lusiads, 2 Knghsh tianslators. \ vith specimens, DEGREES 3 Notices of Kn DEGREES lish tians lators, 4 IVIinoi, paitial and mist dlaneous Knghsh translations, and, ? 5 The present \ ersion Chap III Histonral and C'luonolo DEGREES ual: \\ ith four sections i Poitugal licfttu* the u-ij DEGREES n of I) Joam II, $ 2 D. I) Joam III and Manoel, J 3 The leign of I) Joam IH.: and, 4 The Annals of his Counln nil UK* death ot * i ( ijnu, 3. The Tiavels ami Campaigns of ( ' amocns in the nearer Kast, and, 4 In tht* fuxthiz Kast I make no apology foi the Icnuth of thi* i topo giaphical essa>; the subject has l> oen much neglected by modem commentators. Chap V Annotative I have here pl. nctl c\ j icatoi> and philological details \ vhirh illustinte the text Preface vn The Appendix consists of three tables borrowed from various souices No i Editions of the works of Camoens, 2 Tables of Translations of the Obras ( woiks), especially The Lusiads, and, 3 Contents of The Lusiads, which may serve as an index of subjectb I venture to diaw the attention of my readeis to The Reviewei Reviewed, the Postscupt ending vcl n The chastisement therein admmisteied to ceitain ciiti casteis is severe, but they have diawn it do\ vn upon themselves In conclusion I have to thank Messrs. WYMAN &: SONS for the care and trouble they have taken in printing t the Commentaiy. RICHARD F. BURTON. TRIES ri-., Dct, . i, 1880.