Authors | Arthur Symons
Arthur Symons
Arthur William Symons (28 February 1865 – 22 January 1945), was a British poet, critic and magazine editor. Born in Milford Haven, Wales, to Cornish parents, Symons was educated privately, spending much of his time in France and Italy. In 1884–18 ... Read more

Books by Arthur Symons

The Leather Pouch: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
Charles Baudelaire: A Study (Illustrated) Arthur Symons Author: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
Aubrey Beardsley: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
The Toy Cart: A Play In Five Acts...: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
William Blake: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
A Book Of Parodies: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
Silhouettes...: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
Great Acting in English: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
Reminiscences of the Last Sixty Five Years Commencing with the Battle of Lexington Part Two: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
Red Lights/White Shoes: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
A Book Of Twenty Songs: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
A Pageant of Elizabethan Poetry: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons
Figures of Several Centuries: by Arthur 1865-1945 Symons
by Arthur 1865-1945 Symons
Cesare Borgia, Iseult of Brittany and the Toy Cart: by Arthur Symons
by Arthur Symons