Authors | Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton (Jan 24, 1862 – Aug 11, 1937) was an American novelist, short story writer, and designer. Wharton drew upon her insider's knowledge of the upper-class New York "aristocracy" to realistically portray the lives and morals of the Gilded ... Read more

Books by Edith Wharton

Here and Beyond: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton - A Ten-Volume Collection - Volume 1: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Fruit of the Tree: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
A Son At The Front: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The North American Review, Volume 145: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Valley of Decision: A Novel, Volume II - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Fruit of the Tree. With Illus. by Alonzo Kimball: by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
Sea Wolves of Seven Shores: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Last Asset: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Quicksand: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Artemis to Acteon, and Other Verse: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Fighting France by Edith Wharton, History, Travel, Military, Europe, France, World War I: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Kerfol: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Choice: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Fruit of the Tree - With Illustrations by Alonzo Kimball: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
SPLENDEUR DES AMES -LA: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Ethan Frome: by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
The House of Mirth: by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
Madame de Treymes: by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
The Decoration of Houses: by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
by Edith 1862-1937 Wharton
The Letters: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Wharton: Novels: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Afterward: A Ghost Story for Christmas (Seth's Christmas Ghost Stories): by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Valley of Decision: A Novel; Volume 1: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Reef - A Novel: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Greater Inclination: The Touchstone: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Bunner Sisters: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Xingu: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton (Fantasy and Horror Classics): by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton
Four Classic Horror Stories: by Edith Wharton
by Edith Wharton