Authors | Plato
(Greek: Πλάτων) (Arabic: أفلاطون) (Alternate Spelling: Platon, Platón, Platone) Plato is a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the fi ... Read more

Books by Plato

Plato Contra Atheos: Plato Against the Atheists; Or, the Tenth Book of the Dialogue On Laws, Accompanied with Critical N: by . Plato
by . Plato
The Republic Of Plato: Tr, Volume 4: by . Plato
by . Plato
Auserlesene Gespräche, Volume 2...: by Plato
by Plato
Auserlesene Gespräche, Volume 3...: by Plato
by Plato
Oeuvres, Volume 1...: by Plato
by Plato
Tenth Book Of The Dialogue On Laws...: by Plato
by Plato
Crito and Phaedo: by Plato
by Plato
Republic; the Greek Text. Edited With Notes and Essays by B. Jowett and Lewis Campbell; Volume 3: by Plato
by Plato
Republic; the Greek Text. Edited With Notes and Essays by B. Jowett and Lewis Campbell; Volume 2: by Plato
by Plato
Euthyphro: by .. Plato
by .. Plato
The Republic (World Classics, Unabridged): by Plato
by Plato
Meno and Other Dialogues: Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Meno: by Plato
by Plato
Six Great Dialogues: Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus, Symposium, The Republic: by Plato
by Plato
Auswahl: by . Plato
by . Plato
Opera Quae Feruntur Omnia: Hippias Maior, Hippias Minor, Io, Menexenus, Clitopho. 1885: by Plato
by Plato
The Platonic Dialogues For English Readers, Volume 3: by . Plato
by . Plato
E?tudes sur le Time?e de Platon, par T. H. Martin. [With the text of the Timaeus, commentaries, etc.]: by Plato.
by Plato.
Apologie Des Sokrates...: by Plato
by Plato
A Day in Athens with Socrates - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Plato
by Plato
Opera graece; recensuit et adnotatione critica instruxit Car. Ern. Christoph. Schneider; Volumen 02: by Plato
by Plato
[Opera omnia] Recensuit et commentariis instruxit Godofredus Stallbaum; Volumen 9: by Plato
by Plato
Phaedo: Death of Socrates 3: by Plato
by Plato
by Plato
To Have and to Hold: by .. Plato
by .. Plato
Phaedo: The Last Hours Of Socrates Translated By Benjamin Jowett: by Plato
by Plato
Symposium: by Plato
by Plato
Timaeus and Critias: by Plato
by Plato
Phaedrus: by .. Plato
by .. Plato
Ion: with Introduction and Notes: by Plato
by Plato
Lysis: by Plato
by Plato