This title is now available under ISBN 9780702052149.
CTG Made Easy 4th edition continues the successful format of previous editions, offering a practical guide to all health professionals involved in monitoring the fetal heart rate during labour, and specifically in the interpretation of CTG traces. The workbook approach remains, with many new and updated case histories and CTGs, all using current terminology and a recommended proforma for interpretation.
The book will aid health professionals to acquire competence and confidence in all aspects of fetal heart rate monitoring during labour, improving the care offered to women and babies.
New to this edition
Evidence relating to fetal monitoring in labour updated to current national guidance
Expanded section debating the issues surrounding intermittent auscultation versus continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring
Expanded section on the physiological control of the fetal heart rate, fetal blood sampling and acid base balance.
Risk management updated, including risks and benefits of current methods of fetal heart rate monitoring, future developments, and legal issues
References comprehensively reviewed, including NICE and RCOG clinical guidelines
New online resources
20 additional CTGs and case histories are available online