Cyber Security: Incident Response Plans Travis Lothar Czech Author
2024-09-04 18:09:30
So, let's get to the content of this book. We'll start off by covering some of the basics such as the OSImodel, CIA triad, and the Cyber Kill Chain. Once we're done with some of the basic theory, we are going to cover some of the CybersecurityFramewo... Read more
So, let's get to the content of this book. We'll start off by covering some of the basics such as the OSImodel, CIA triad, and the Cyber Kill Chain. Once we're done with some of the basic theory, we are going to cover some of the CybersecurityFrameworks to reference when building out policy.We'll then move on over to types of malware and how they affect the system. Once we are done with that we will move into your initial reaction and responses. We won't actually create policies and procedures. However, we'll cover different types of them. Finally, we'll get into IRPs and how to write them.So, buckle up, grab your favorite beverage, and get ready for a wild ride through the fascinating,sometimes terrifying, but always entertaining world of cyber incident response. Let's dive into ChapterOne: The Wonderful World of OSI, CIA Triad, andCyber Kill Chain. Trust us, it's way more exciting than it sounds, and you'll come out the other side feeling like a true cyber warrior. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9798391270256
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