A History of the Life of Richard Coeur-De-Lion, King of England, Volume 4: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Rose D'albret; Or, Troublous Times: A Romance, Volume 1: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Mary Of Burgundy: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Henry Of Guise: Or, The States Of Blois, Volume 1: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Novels And Romances, Viz, Volume 1: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
De L'orme, Volume 1: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
One In A Thousand...: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Gipsy: A Tale, Volumes 1-2: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Richelieu: A Tale Of France...: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Works Of G.p.r. James, Esq, Volume 3...: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Henry Smeaton: A Jacobite Story Of The Reign Of George I, Volume 1...: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Lives Of The Cardinal De Richelieu, Count Oxenstiern--count Olivarez And Cardinal Mazarin, Volume 2...: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Step-mother: A Romance, Volume 1...: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The History of Charlemagne: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Ticonderoga: Or the Black Eagle. a Romance of Days Not Far Distant: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Morley Ernstein; Or, the Tenants of the Heart, Volume 1: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Jacquerie: A Novel, Volume 1: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
A History of the Life of Edward the Black Prince: And of Various Events Connected Therwith, Which Occurred During the Reign of Edw: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Philip Augustus, Or, the Brothers in Arms, Volume 2: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Castle Of Ehrenstein: Its Lords, Spiritual And Temporal, Its Inhabitants, Earthly And Unearthly, Volume 1: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
A History Of The Life Of Edward The Black Prince And Of Various Events Connected Therewith, Which Occurred During The Reign Of Edw: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Works Of G.p.r. James, Esq, Volume 17: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Morley Ernstein; Or, the Tenants of the Heart, Volume 2: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Leonora D'orco: A Historical Romance: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
An Oration On The Character And Services Of The Late Duke Of Wellington: Delivered Before The British Residents Of Boston And Vici: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Step-Mother, Volume 2: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Mary of Burgundy; or The Revolt of Ghent; Volume II: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
The Huguenot: A Tale of the French Protestants, Volume II: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Philip Augustus; Or, The Brothers In Arms, Volume I: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James
Novels And Romances, Viz, Volume 1; volume 85: by George Payne Rainsford James
by George Payne Rainsford James