Diabetes Meals on the Run: Fast, Healthy Menus Using Convenience Foods
by Betty Wedman-St. Louis 2021-01-03 04:35:12
Don't let diabetes slow you down They're everywhere, from frozen-food aisles to fast-food stores, from deli take-out to salad bars--fast, prepackaged food fit for today's busy lifestyles. The choices are unlimited, unless you have diabetes--until now... Read more

Don't let diabetes slow you down

They're everywhere, from frozen-food aisles to fast-food stores, from deli take-out to salad bars--fast, prepackaged food fit for today's busy lifestyles. The choices are unlimited, unless you have diabetes--until now. Why shouldn't you be able to enjoy the same time-saving benefits from convenience foods? Finally, diabetes educator and author Betty Wedman-St. Louis shows you how to take advantage of today's convenience foods while still taking care of your diabetes. Brush up on diabetes nutritional guidelines and meal-planning essentials. Get the facts on food safety at salad bars and how to handle those giant portions from restaurants. Streamline your time in the kitchen with menus and recipes for simple home meals that call for only four to five ingredients. Move into the fast lane with two weeks worth of menus featuring prepared and fast foods. Rely on a handy reference for nutritional information on prepared foods as well as popular fast-food chains so you can make informed decisions before you even drive up to the take-out window.

Whether you're looking for simple recipes and menus to prepare at home or trying to fit fast food into your diet management of diabetes, you'll take Diabetes Meals on the Run with you to the market, in the kitchen, and on the go. Less

  • File size
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9 X 6 X 0.58 in
  • McGraw-Hill Education
  • June 14, 2002
  • English
  • 9780809297887
Dr. Betty Wedman-St Louis is a licensed nutritionist specializing in digestive diseases, bariatric surgery, cancer and multiple chemical sensitivity who has been in practice for over 40 years. Her B.S...
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