Authors | William Caxton
William Caxton
William Caxton (c. 1422 – c. 1491) was an English merchant, diplomat, and writer. He is thought to be the first person to introduce a printing press into England, in 1476, and as a printer was the first English retailer of printed books. Neither ... Read more

Books by William Caxton

Dialogues in French and English: By William Caxton
By William Caxton
The Fables of Aesop: As First Printed by William Caxton in 1484, With Those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy; Volume 1: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Paris and Vienne: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Raoul Le Fevre the History of Jason: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Booke of Ovyde Named Methamorphose: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The History Of Reynard The Fox, Volumes 1-2: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book Of King Arthur And Of His Noble Knights Of The Round Table, Volume 2: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The History of Reynard the Fox: From the Edition Printed by Caxton in 1481 - Scholar's Choice Edition: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Ars Moriendi: That is to Saye the Craft for to Deye for the Helthe of Mannes Sowle: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine, c. 1489: From Lord Spencer's Unique Imperfect Copy, Completed by the Original French and the S: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Statutes of Henry VII. in Exact Facsimile, From the Very Rare Original, Printed by Caxton in 1489: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Le Morte Darthur; the Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table Volume 3: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Lyf Of Seynt Kenelme, Kynge And Martir: From Caxton's Golden Legend, With A Note On The Origin Of The Text: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
A Dialogue In The Shades, Between William Caxton, Fodius, A Bibliomaniac, And William Wynken, Clerk. The Story Of Dean Honywood's: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The History of Jason: Translated From the French of Raoul Le Fevre Volume 1: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Temple of Glass: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. A Facsimile Reproduction of the First Book Printed in England by William Caxton in 147: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Book of Curtesye: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table. : The Text of: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The History Of Reynard The Fox: His Friends And His Enemies. His Crimes, Hairbreadth Escapes And Final Triumph. : A Metrical Versi: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Book of Sir Balin: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Caxton's Eneydos, 1490: Englisht From the French Liure Des Eneydes, 1483: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Le Morte Darthur; the History of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Right Plesaunt And Goodly Historie Of The Foure Sonnes Of Aymon: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Destruction Of Troy, In Three Books ... Seventh Edition, Corrected, Etc. B.l.: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Lyf Of The Noble And Crysten Prynce: Charles The Grete, Issue 37: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
The Book of the Craft of Dying, and Other Early English Tracts Concerning Death;: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
A Reprint In Facsimile Of A Treatise Spekynge Of Arte & Crafte To Knowe Well To Dye. Translated Oute Of Frenshe In To Englysshe, B: by William Caxton
by William Caxton
Renaud of Montauban;: by William Caxton
by William Caxton