Dinosaur Makers: Scholastic Early Learners (learning Game)
by Scholastic
2021-06-03 21:23:46
Dinosaur Makers: Scholastic Early Learners (learning Game)
by Scholastic
2021-06-03 21:23:46
Be the first to complete your three-dimensional dinosaur and win with this interactive game from Scholastic Early Learners! An innovative model-making game complete with QR-code guidance. Provides practice in color and shape recognition and develops ...
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Be the first to complete your three-dimensional dinosaur and win with this interactive game from Scholastic Early Learners! An innovative model-making game complete with QR-code guidance. Provides practice in color and shape recognition and develops hand-eye coordination and motor skills.
Make learning fun with this new line of innovative games from Scholastic Early Learners. Be the first to complete your three-dimensional dinosaur and win! This game provides practice in color and shape recognition, develops knowledge of three-dimensional construction, and builds hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Complete with a QR-code to provide guidance to parents and players!
Scholastic Early Learners: Interactive books for hands-on learning. Perfect for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and first graders, too!