Authors | Henry Festing Jones
Henry Festing Jones
Henry Festing Jones (30 January 1851 – 23 October 1928)[1] was an English solicitor and writer, known as the friend and posthumous biographer of Samuel Butler.He was the son of Thomas Jones Q.C., and entered Trinity Hall, Cambridge in 1870.[4] Grad ... Read more

Books by Henry Festing Jones

Diversions in Sicily: By Henry Festing Jones
By Henry Festing Jones
Mount Eryx And Other Diversions Of Travel: by Henry Festing Jones
by Henry Festing Jones
Samuel Butler Author of Erewhon,(1835-1902) a Memoir Volume 2: by Henry Festing Jones
by Henry Festing Jones
Samuel Butler Author of Erewhon,(1835-1902) a Memoir Volume 1: by Henry Festing Jones
by Henry Festing Jones
Castellinaria, and Other Sicilian Diversions: by Henry Festing Jones
by Henry Festing Jones
The Samuel Butler Collection at Saint John's College, Cambridge; a Catalogue and a Commentary: by Henry Festing 1851-1928 Jones
by Henry Festing 1851-1928 Jones
Diversions in Sicily: by Henry Festing 1851-1928 Jones
by Henry Festing 1851-1928 Jones
The Note Books Of Samuel Butler: by Henry Festing Jones
by Henry Festing Jones
Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher: by Henry Festing Jones
by Henry Festing Jones