Jon Culshaw, Frazer Hines, Dan Starkey, Louise Jameson and Nicola Bryant read a selection of exuberant and colourful tales from the legendary Doctor Who Annual, a Christmas stocking treat from the 1960s to the 1980s.
In Terror on Tiro the First Doctor endures a punishing journey across an alien landscape in order to find his friend. Follow the Phantoms takes the Second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to a land where the boundaries of time are blurred.
The Third Doctor and Jo find themselves catapulted into The House That Jack Built, and then Sarah falls under the influence of The Sinister Sponge.
The Fourth Doctor and Leela encounter The Crocodiles from the Mist, and the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough join forces with the Brigadier to tackle a threat posed by The Nemertines.
In Beauty and the Beast the Sixth Doctor and Peri enjoy the delights of an idyllic world - until they discover an uncomfortable truth beneath the surface.
Take a nostalgic journey through time with these vintage Doctor Who adventures!