Elsie at Nantucket Martha Finley Author
by Martha Finley 2021-04-02 17:55:37
Well, captain, for how long have you Uncle Sam's permission to stay on shore this time? asked Mr. Dinsmore, as the family at Ion sat about the breakfast-table on the morning after Captain Raymond's arrival. Just one month certain, sir, with the poss... Read more
Well, captain, for how long have you Uncle Sam's permission to stay on shore this time? asked Mr. Dinsmore, as the family at Ion sat about the breakfast-table on the morning after Captain Raymond's arrival. Just one month certain, sir, with the possibility that the leave of absence may be extended, was the reply, in a cheery tone; and as I want to make the very most of it, I propose that our plans for a summer outing be at once discussed, decided upon, and carried out. I second the motion, said Mr. Dinsmore. Are all the grown people agreed? The consent of the younger ones may safely be taken for granted, he added, with a smiling glance from one to another. I am agreed and ready for suggestions, replied his wife. And I, said his daughter. Vi is, of course, since the proposition comes from her husband, Edward remarked, with a sportive look at her; then glancing at his own little wife: and as I approve, Zoe will be equally ready with her consent. Have you any suggestion to offer, captain? asked Mr. Dinsmore. Less
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  • Print pages
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  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.26(d)
  • 122
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • August 11, 2015
  • 9781516853830
Martha Finley was a teacher and author of numerous works, the most well known being the 28 volume Elsie Dinsmore series which was published over a span of 38 years. Finley wrote many of her books unde...
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