Encyclopaedia Of Hotel Management Volume-3 (Hotel Management and Accounting)
2020-07-22 19:47:52
There are books on all topics in the field of Hotel Management available, in the market, but, there is still a dearth of comprehensive and compact series of books, presented together. The Encyclopaedia of Hotel Management is a unique effort which com... Read more
There are books on all topics in the field of Hotel Management available, in the market, but, there is still a dearth of comprehensive and compact series of books, presented together. The Encyclopaedia of Hotel Management is a unique effort which comprises seven volumes, viz., Principles of Hotel Management, Hotel Organisation and Management, Hotel management and Accounting, Hotel Management and Fundamentals of Food, Hotel Management: Food and Food Services, Hotel Management: Diet and Nutrition, and Hotel Management: Health Care. Needless to say that these seven volumes cover the whole modern disciplines of Hotel Management, with avenues for students, with all sorts of dreams. Certainly, these books can be helpful in achieving their goals in career. Definitely, this encyclopaedic work will be a good tool in the hands of students, researchers, hoteliers, professionals and teachers. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9789353143114
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