English Historical Literature in the Fourteenth Century
by John Taylor 2021-05-27 00:58:32
In England, the fourteenth-century was the last great century of monastic chronicle writing and medieval letters, yet it was also a time that witnessed a new genre of political poetry and produced some of the best descriptions of medieval parliaments... Read more
In England, the fourteenth-century was the last great century of monastic chronicle writing and medieval letters, yet it was also a time that witnessed a new genre of political poetry and produced some of the best descriptions of medieval parliaments known to survive. Taylor here examines thewritings of the period as well as the background of chroniclers and poets, the problems they encountered, and the audience for whom they wrote. As England and France were heavily bound by military and cultural affairs, he includes the works of French writers as an important source for Englishhistory. Offering a more personal perspective on events than those recorded in governmental documents, this work is a valuable addition to the historiography of the period. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780198200659
John Brian Taylor (born December 8, 1946) is the Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and the George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics at Stanford University's Hoo...
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