English Sentence Exercises (Part 1): Word-Order In Sentences Manik Joshi Author
by Manik Joshi
2021-04-07 07:34:23
English Sentence Exercises (Part 1): Word-Order In Sentences Manik Joshi Author
by Manik Joshi
2021-04-07 07:34:23
Rewrite the Sentences in Correct Word-Order – EXERCISES -- Sentences With ‘Past Verbs’, Sentences With ‘Present Verbs’, Sentences with verb ‘BE’ [Am, Is, Are, Was, Were], Sentences With Verb ‘Do’ ...
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Rewrite the Sentences in Correct Word-Order – EXERCISES -- Sentences With ‘Past Verbs’, Sentences With ‘Present Verbs’, Sentences with verb ‘BE’ [Am, Is, Are, Was, Were], Sentences With Verb ‘Do’ [Do, Does, Did], Sentences With Verb ‘HAVE’ [Have, Has, Had], Sentences With ‘Modal Verbs’, Causative Sentences, Conditional Sentences, Correlation/Comparison In A Sentence, Sentences With Verb ‘Get’ AND other exercisesSample This:Rewrite the following Sentences in Correct word-order:[1A. Sentences With ‘Past Verbs’ – 1 – 10]1A. ‘Past Verbs’ – 01 - 10(Exercise 01)Rewrite the following Sentences in Correct word-order:WRONG ORDER01. ‘Gang war’ to a two-way gun led battle.02. Bomb left scare in city residents in panic.03. Government today the to the opposition for reached cooperation.04. He bleeding in the developed lungs.05. He police a plea for witnesses to contact issued the.06. He to break free and managed raised an alarm.07. He open to cut the managed steel vault.08. He strongly of smelt alcohol.09. He after hearing noises woke up from his sleep in the wee hours of Monday from another room in his house.10. Heavy stormed police force the market area.ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISE 1A (CORRECT WORD-ORDER)01. ‘Gang war’ led to a two-way gun battle.02. Bomb scare in city left residents in panic.03. The government today reached to the opposition for cooperation.04. He developed bleeding in the lungs.05. He issued a plea for witnesses to contact the police.06. He managed to break free and raised an alarm.07. He managed to cut open the steel vault.08. He smelt strongly of alcohol.09. He woke up from his sleep after hearing noises in the wee hours of Monday from another room in his house.10. Heavy police force stormed the market area.1B. ‘Past Verbs’ – 11 - 20(Exercise 02)Rewrite the following Sentences in Correct word-order:WRONG ORDER11. His us to led bust arrest another racket.12. His grew back hair.13. Inspector detailed general discussions with held officials.14. Them neighbor as quiet, religious and knew ‘normal’.15. Police all three on the day arrested the case in the matter was brought to their noticed.16. Power officials $1 million in payments collected and fines.17. The president media to a volley of questions replied by the persons.18. She stop her lip to bit herself crying.19. She wearing from plane the printed descended dress, teamed with a matching coat and black pumps.20. She window him to a tied with a nylon cord.ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISE 1B (CORRECT WORD-ORDER)11. His arrest led us to bust another racket.12. His hair grew back.13. Inspector general held detailed discussions with officials.14. Neighbor knew them as quiet, religious and ‘normal’.15. Police arrested all three on the day the case in the matter was brought to their noticed.16. Power officials collected $1 million in payments and fines.17. The president replied to a volley of questions by the media persons.18. She bit her lip to stop herself crying.19. She descended from plane wearing the printed dress, teamed with a matching coat and black pumps.20. She tied him to a window with a nylon cord.