Ezekiel in Talmud and Midrash
by Jacob Neusner 2021-01-20 07:45:14
The Rabbis of classical Judaism, in the first six centuries of the Common Era, commented on the teachings of ancient Israel''s prophets and shaped, as much as they were shaped by, prophecy. They commented on much of the Scriptural heritage and they m... Read more
The Rabbis of classical Judaism, in the first six centuries of the Common Era, commented on the teachings of ancient Israel''s prophets and shaped, as much as they were shaped by, prophecy. They commented on much of the Scriptural heritage and they made it their own. This collection of the Rabbinic comments on biblical books makes easily accessible the Rabbinic reading of the prophetic heritage and opens the way to the study of how normative Judaism responded to the challenge of the prophetic writings. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780761836940
Jacob Neusner...
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