Authors | Fritz Müller
Fritz Müller
Johann Friedrich Theodor Müller, better known as Fritz Müller, and also as Müller-Desterro, was a German biologist who emigrated to southern Brazil, where he lived in and near the German community of Blumenau, Santa Catarina.

Books by Fritz Müller

Facts and Arguments for Darwin: By Fritz Müller
By Fritz Müller
Die Landschaftsschilderungen in Den Erzählenden Dichtungen Chateaubriands: by Fritz Müller
by Fritz Müller
Fritz Müller: Werke, Briefe Und Leben: by Fritz Müller
by Fritz Müller
Facts and Arguments for Darwin: by Fritz Müller
by Fritz Müller
Wagner at Home: by Fritz Muller
by Fritz Muller
Für Darwin: by Fritz Müller
by Fritz Müller