Feng Shui – Tips To Enhance & Harmonize Any Home Or Business 99 ¢ store, save a lot more Editor
by 99 ¢ store, save a lot more
2021-04-02 19:13:41
Feng Shui – Tips To Enhance & Harmonize Any Home Or Business 99 ¢ store, save a lot more Editor
by 99 ¢ store, save a lot more
2021-04-02 19:13:41
Tips To Enhance And Harmonize Any Home Or Business - Discover How Feng Shui Can Transform Your Life! Are You Looking For Ways to Receive More Wealth, Abundance and Peace of Mind? The Complete Guide to Finally Understanding Feng Shui!Feng Shui is star...
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Tips To Enhance And Harmonize Any Home Or Business - Discover How Feng Shui Can Transform Your Life! Are You Looking For Ways to Receive More Wealth, Abundance and Peace of Mind? The Complete Guide to Finally Understanding Feng Shui!Feng Shui is starting to revolutionize people in ways never thought of before. This ancient Chinese secret can change the way you do things and provide you all of wealth and abundance that you’ve been searching for! It is very important to know what the colors used in Feng Shui stand for. There are 11 colors listed in this guide and each of them explains what they represent in the Feng Shui world.In this report - Feng Shui : Tips To Enhance And Harmonize Any Home Or Business - you will discover the secrets and strategies used to transform your entire life. Here is what you will learn inside this guide:# Changing your furniture can help you have a better relationship with others# What to install outside of your home to bring about change# What to do when you find the positive energy in your home# What You can do to increase energy in the kitchen# Why you should use the colors from the Feng Shui method in your bedroom# Why you should have air-purifying plants in your home office# How to enhance the presence of Chi Using Feng Shui For Your Internet BusinessYou can use Feng Shui to create harmony for your websites. Your web pages must be aligned properly. You want the visitors that come to your site to have easy navigation and access. It should be a positive experience for them. The pages should be clean and use bright colors for the background. If you create web pages with a dark color, it can be a turnoff to those that are visiting your website. In order to start to Chi flow, you can use bold colors. White and blue are a few that come to mind. These colors are the symbols of air and water. If you use colors that don’t blend very well, your website will not be attractive. You can incorporate bad Feng Shui if it doesn’t look right. Refrain from adding things like animated graphics that take away from the essence of the website. If it has to be part of the website, then make sure it’s something that looks natural. On your website, you should have an area that displays a logo. This logo would be on every webpage that you create. Refrain from putting a lot of games and other gimmicks on your website and web pages. This can distract the visitors. Your website should have a main menu page. All of the elements that you’re putting on the website should not be lined up on one side of the screen or cluttered on both sides of the screen. Don’t make your website look so professional that no one will want to stay. Create websites that will bring harmony and a good atmosphere to the visitors. If you’re going to incorporate music, use music that is relaxing. This will help to create positive Chi.The important thing with creating websites using Feng Shui is that you want them to be simple, easy to navigate and not look rushed or cluttered. Too much stuff on it and people will turn away in a heartbeat. Ironically, having a rushed or cluttered website can be reflective of the person themselves. It’s about having a positive flow so that good Chi will continue to flow through.Using Feng Shui For A Retail BusinessYou may want to open up a retail store. You have plenty of products, but you don’t have any idea on how to attract or keep customers once they set foot in your business. You don’t understand what’s going on and need some assistance in this arena. Using the principles of Feng Shui can change your situation. Here’s a look at some things that you can do to change the atmosphere of your business:• You have too many things bunched together. The products are nice, but there’s no sense of what goes where. Or they may be thinking, “Why is this product here when it should be somewhere else?” You must remove some of the products and leave some space between them. Bunching them up together does nothing but cause confusion for the customer. They feel it’s too much for them to look at. Try to put the products in different categories. Then you’ll see a difference when customers come in. They’ll want to stay longer and look because they’re not confused and frustrated with what to purchase.• The Feng Shui energy from the entry door to the back door is not flowing properly. In turn, you don’t get customers or sales. The minute the customer walks in the door, they need to be drawn in by what you have...