Following a Chance Clew: Nick Carter's Lucky Find
By John R. Coryell 24 May, 2022
Excerpt.....“Do you know this woman?” asked Nick, quickly, of the young man, after he had cast a single glance upon the unconscious figure. “No; I never saw her before.” “Do you know a tall man with a light brown b ... Read more

Excerpt.....“Do you know this woman?” asked Nick, quickly, of the young man, after he had cast a single glance upon the unconscious figure.

“No; I never saw her before.”

“Do you know a tall man with a light brown beard parted in the middle, a dark suit of——”

“Why, that’s the man who has gone to ring for an ambulance,” was the reply. “This lady was with him when she was taken sick.”

Nick did not wait to hear any more. He slipped through the crowd like an eel, and darted away.

He was on the track of the man whom he had seen walking away from the spot to which everybody else was hurrying.

The avenue was brightly lighted, but the man was not in sight. By rapid, clever work, Nick traced him to Forty-first Street, where he had entered a carriage.

A hackman, who had seen this, did not remember ever to have seen the carriage or the driver or the passenger before.....

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 333.981 KB
  • 182
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1465664570
John Russell Coryell(December 15, 1851 – July15, 1924) was a prolific dime novel author. Like many other dime novelists Coryell also wrote under pseudonyms, his two main being Nicholas Carter and Be...
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