Frank Merriwell's Athletes; Or, The Boys Who Won Burt L. Standish Author
by Burt L. Standish
2021-04-02 17:56:56
Frank Merriwell's Athletes; Or, The Boys Who Won Burt L. Standish Author
by Burt L. Standish
2021-04-02 17:56:56
Say, boys, just listen to that racket! It was Jack Diamond who spoke, and he addressed Frank Merriwell and several others of his friends. It is certainly awful, came from Harry Rattleton, one of the boys. I can't stand much of this, put in Bruce Brow...
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Say, boys, just listen to that racket! It was Jack Diamond who spoke, and he addressed Frank Merriwell and several others of his friends. It is certainly awful, came from Harry Rattleton, one of the boys. I can't stand much of this, put in Bruce Browning. It is enough to drive one crazy. The boys had just entered the outer portals of a Chinese theatre, located in Chinatown, the Celestial portion of San Francisco. There was a great crowd, and it was only with difficulty that they made their way along the narrow and gloomy passages leading to the theatre proper.